Friday, May 29, 2015

The historical fate of the surviving monasteries from the 12th the best the 13th century onwards, e

Monasticism and the establishment of monasteries in Albania have been the subject of scientific study because of the communist masterbell regime. However, throughout the indications, early founded the ascetic life forms conditions initially individual masterbell and later institutional - as anchoritism and communal system. It is assumed that the first institutional forms of cenobitic monasticism should be reduced, masterbell while at the oral sources in 6th century by Justinian, in particular the written pyges late 9th and beginning of the 10th century Macedonians, when the apostles Cyril and Methodius sent their students ie local saints Angelario, Gorasdo, Clement, and Sava to epanefangelisthoun populations from the Vardar masterbell as the Akrokerafnia Mountains. Here they founded masterbell monasteries in Albanian, Macedonian and continental hinterland, focusing on Prespa and Ohrid. The damaged Cathedral of Saint George in Korca
The monastic monasticism From forms of communal monasticism the main system here seems flourished without disappear and other forms, according to what we can conclude from the existence of hermits in rocky places rocks, mountains and lakes (Costaras, Cave Tranosistas, Prespa Mr. a.). According to oral tradition. monasteries masterbell were founded in this region in three phases: - During the reign of Justinian (mid 6th century) - At the time of Constantine Pogonatos (second half of the 7th century) - The Macedonian dynasty (mid 9th century to mid 11th century) However, written tradition indicates masterbell as the first founding monasteries from the late 9th century to the 11th century. Then the modernizers Saints Clement, Nahum and Vladimir erected monasteries in Achridon areas and GENUS river. The archaeological researches also can not agree with verbal echoes establishing monasteries from the 6th to the 11th century as the salvaged buildings where legends insist, they are much later. However, it is certain that in many places where erected monasteries, were the ancient Christian shrines (Apollonia, Ardenitsa, Stegopoli, masterbell Mesopotamia, pockets, etc.). The temple of Saranda as it was in 1940
The historical fate of the surviving monasteries from the 12th the best the 13th century onwards, especially during the era of Epirus, masterbell rescued some Byzantine monasteries, like Apollonia of Mesopotamia, and Kosinas of Orikou etc. Then founded many monasteries anidryontai new or old, always generous donations (over the ruins of the older) during the 16 -18 century. ie, when the Ottomans pursued a violent or voluntary masterbell Islamization of these areas. From this phase rescued masterbell about 80 monasteries! Poor guy, because of Ottoman conquerors initially and ultimately because of the Communists, many monasteries were destroyed and changed diothikan use. Until a few years ago many monasteries were turned into barracks (pocket Contras, Pepelis) powder magazines masterbell (St. Basil, Vourkou), pastures (Ravenia, Tsiatista, Stegopoli, Dervitsani) is abandoned to the ravages of time and looted masterbell (Moschopolis, Dryianou , Himara, Kosinas). Some, however, have survived because recognized national architectural heritage specimens (Monumente Kulture - such as Apollo and Ardenitsas, operating as beards and tourist center respectively) and tourist attractions (Mesopotamia, Berat, etc), but should not be silenced lifesaving role played by the Institute of Monuments with several scientists such A.Meksi, P .Thomo, St Adhami, S. Anamali, M.Arapi, E.Sopi, masterbell D.Budina, R.Gega thanks to whom studied and preserved rudimentarily quite universal. They are all in very difficult times formed the core of salvation many religious monuments of the country.
Morphology of monasteries overwhelmingly masterbell monasteries have been built in prominent places with natural beauty and dominance in the surrounding area: but erected on hilltops (pocket Gardikaki, Politsani) the mountains (Dryianou, masterbell Cave) is a cave (Costaras, Prespa) the river banks (Mesopotamia, Kolikondasi) in the beautiful bays (Vrahati Forest, Orikos) or in secluded lagoons (Svernitsa, immaterial) and elsewhere. Surrounded all around usually high fence, inside masterbell which touch the built cells and other monastic establishment of the monastery, the ground-floor underground. All cells, the hostels, the Bank facing the open courtyard, the center of which the core of the monastic zone rises, the ledger. The building program is clean, simple and adapted to the space and physical singularity of. Generally monasteries are not fundamentally different from other monasteries of the continental and Macedonian space to the building program and a

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