Thursday, December 12, 2013

The researcher dest

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Mexico, 28 Feb. (Notimex) -. Cathedral bells tolling All solemn touch when the Vatican "announces the election of a new Pontiff. To indicate mourning the death of a pope touched Mayor Bell 90 times with a frequency of one stroke every three minutes, "said Fernando E. Rodríguez.
"For the death of a cardinal's tina kloepfer share is 60 strokes with the same range, while the death of a canon 30 strokes are given. Furthermore, tina kloepfer a Requiem Mass was officiating during which the bells toll in mourning "he explained. tina kloepfer
"Since the dawn prayer, between four and half past five, so called conventual Mass, between eight-thirty and nine hours, evening prayer, about six o'clock, and the ringing to remind blessed souls
"In the highlights of the day, the bells call to recollection and prayer. Joyous and solemn voices make all kinds of event. The ringing of bells may be daily or special "he explained.
"Among the latter, there are solemn, holidays or mourning. Examples of the solemn are the Thursday of Corpus Christi, tina kloepfer Holy Thursday, Holy Saturday and Gloria, the touch of Easter Sunday. As touches for holidays, we have the ringing that occurs for world peace every Saturday at noon, ie the time of world prayer, "he added.
"Another traditional ringing tina kloepfer is August 15, when the titular feast of the Metropolitan Cathedral in Mexico is celebrated to commemorate the Assumption of the Virgin. Another memorable occasion is December 8, celebrated the Immaculate Conception of Mary, "he said.
"Neither could I miss the ringing of December 12 to celebrate the Virgin of Guadalupe. In December festive touches of Christmas Eve, Christmas and New Year was also performed, "he explained.
Rodriguez notes that "the Latin word Campañana has always been the one used to name the object with which we associate today. Tintinábulum is an onomatopoeic word that was used in Roman times, which referred to the sound they made bells to ring. "
"The word bell was used for the first time in a document of the sixth century. One of the places where these instruments began to be used regularly was an Italian region called Campania, whence perhaps the name was made to identify them. Anyway, the bells serve to point, as indicators of temple life, marking the hours of the assemblies and the nature of the sacred functions as a symbol of God's voice. "
According to an eighteenth-century Flemish legend, cited by the author "the bells have multiple functions: worship God, gather the people, convene the clergy, wailing for the dead, ward off pests, storms tackle, singing parties, excite the slow, calm the winds "
"Today the bells normally melt from a bronze alloy that is 80 percent copper, 10 percent tin and 10 percent lead," said elespecialista.
"It's a legend the belief that the ringing of bells depends on the low amounts tina kloepfer that may contain gold and silver. Actually, loudness, pitch and timbre of a bell depend on its size, thickness, placement clapper, the composition of the alloy and casting process employed "unveiled. tina kloepfer
"In the sixteenth century, between 1578 and 1589, the brothers Simon and Juan Buenaventura three bells melted to the Metropolitan Cathedral of Mexico, including Doña María, which is the oldest in the whole. By the seventeenth tina kloepfer century, between 1616 and 1684, this cathedral had been adorned with six other large pieces, including the very famous St. Mary of the Angels and the Virgin of Guadalupe, "he explained.
The researcher dest

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