Saturday, December 14, 2013

Spain: Rajoy Catiline - How long, Catiline, abuse our patience? How long will this madness continue

All things considered here should be taken with a sense of humor. If you is not able to do, and yet he continues to come in and read, you will not know for you, that what is said out of context and that it is even possible that is neither truth.
Our stay in Germany tmux was approaching its end, and played farewell to Herbert and wife, who had welcomed us so graciously during Holy Week. He will miss healthy foods, the tranquility of the place, the paintings referred, organic radical extreme and many other things. tmux And, is there anything that we dislike in Germany? - Yes - say Herbert's wife, whom we name not, therefore anonymity tmux policy blog, and because he is shy and shooting suspect not end up like him starring in something. - What is it? - The bells. Now I've learned that Good Friday and Holy Saturday Mass there, so we were left alone, but the other day at seven o'clock, they give that you stick the the Vinzenzkollegium. Seven. And do not let us sleep. - Mmmm ... yeah that looks like it annoying, yes. Although, for a momment, is even badge of honor to wake up with the chimes of the church which, translated from German, becomes the congregation of San Vicente, I can understand that the timbre of honor not just make up the hours sleep. However, it could be worse, of course. And, for me to believe that no, here's how it greets the day Rostov Kremlin, which will serve as a transition to leave Germany and return to Russia.
So we better keep criticizing the Salesians tolling bell on Vinzenzkollegium, which are but a timidly whispering angels beside Rostov monks. Those who give themselves an upset.
Mother of Fair Love, Alf. And I complained the priest tmux of Opus church next door to my home, all that sounds its bells at ten-thirty to twelve (the Angelus, you know) and seven thirty, that all days and then holidays and days of BBC and scratch ... And complaining if all fail or tenth of that of the monks of Rostov ... And I love him steal the clappers. For these monks would not know that if you live near them, jejejejeje ... Besitossssss April 13, 2007 5:15 pm
Esther, I'm a radical supporter of bells, plus go to your call. I love bell concerts and I am so convinced that I will put some more input on bells. And olé. Yes, from the BBC days I did not understand. April 13, 2007 7:50 pm
Rostov bells! Yes, I was there about 5 years ago: as they sound. I remember they said that centuries ago was the King of France was especially up here and beyond to hear them. April 13, 2007 8:05 pm
Sorry Alf, expression professional deformation, BBC. Weddings alludes to Baptism tmux and Communion. The use especially photographers, they say as a joke "I'm a photographer, working at the BBC, or I'm Camera and work in the BBC" a play on words between the famous and prestigious television network in the UK and the most common of the work from photographers walk. Besitossssss April 14, 2007 5:36 pm
Lights and shadows of the Russian aviation industry - * Nezavisimaya tmux Gazeta article about the future of the Russian aircraft industry. * If the government does not change tmux the principles of support for the aircraft industry ...
Spain: Rajoy Catiline - How long, Catiline, abuse our patience? How long will this madness continue laughing tmux at us yours? When will this unbridled aud ...
Top-10 of the famous Russian I'd like to know (and why) - saving the intro and I'm to the point: 1. * Vladimir Putin *. I would like to see how far the image we have of him matches verdade tmux ...
Today science forward ... which is a barbaritat - not lose sight of the scientific importance of the elections in Catalonia. For years, scientists have wondered what would happen if a traveler ...
2013 (88) February (2) January (4) October (9) September tmux (2) August (9) July (11) June (7) May (7) April (12) March (7) February (10) January ( 8) 2012 (133) December (11) November tmux (11) October (11) September (10) August (11) July (9) June (11) May (12) April (13) March (12) February (12) Jan (10) 2011 (159) December tmux (11) November (11) October (13) September (13) August (14) July (13) June (13) May (16) April (14) March (16) February tmux ( 12) January (13) 2010 (152) December (13) November (11) October (12) September (13) August (15) July (10) June (13) May (13) April (13) March (16) February (10) January (13) 2009 (156) December (13) November (13) October (13) September (13) August (13) July (14) June (13) May (13) April (14) March ( 13) February (12) energy

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