Monday, December 16, 2013

Now that we almost let you got the gray weather and rain, no rain yet. The moisture in the air and

Another city | Antonio Muñoz Molina
Now that we almost let you got the gray weather and rain, no rain yet. The moisture in the air and note again the tiles slippery sidewalks. From the entrance of the Praça do Comércio and the amplitude of the sea smells. This afternoon the tide had overflowed the two columns at the foot of the stairs and waves struck the parapet brian de staic in which there are always people sitting looking away. After four weeks and walked around Lisbon in a different way, that is the do not have to continuously look at the map and look around for guidance. The rhythms and sounds brian de staic of the city are already familiar: the number 28 tram down the hill to the church of the Madeleine, brian de staic light ringing its bells, the warm smell coming from the bakeries and patisseries and the smell of roasted chestnuts in the air outside, muffled brian de staic tone of speech of the people. At least flashy entrance meals can hide a treasure of popular cuisine. In an alley of the Alfama, getting carried away by the smell, we found a cheap and memorable Mozambican restaurant. In the Gulbenkian Foundation, the low buildings of reinforced concrete had a lightness of Japanese architecture. From inside the rooms are always enjoyed the amazing garden, from the garden can sometimes see the pictures. In the translucent curtains that filter the sun the shadows of the trees in the garden as Chinese paintings are projected. In a metro train started to hear a strange and insistent percussion and searched brian de staic the crowd that filled the car to find out where it came from. It was a blind man with a cane, with a piggy bank tin around your neck with a wooden stick with hitting the bank, with its sound of coins, canes, rods, metal seat backs. It was almost as complicated and subtle like bulerías percussion. I walked half the day and worked half. From the large garden of the Museum of Ancient Art've seen a dock port warehouses brian de staic and sailboat masts and flags. In the Praça do Comércio I have seen several times a music group called Cabo Verde Guents dy Rincon. I will not waste a time nearly three days I have.
This entry was written by antoniomm, posted on 21/11/2013 at 11:40 PM, filed under Written in an instant. Permamente Link. Follow the activity of this annotation with the feed RSS feed. Reviews folks are closed. brian de staic
@ Nieves. corrected version. A greeting.
I know love otherwise: - "white shirt of my hope" - no bulls, crucifixes or flag. (Posted on Monday, August 5, 2013)
Lisbon Road motionless in my chair while I reread brian de staic in other words to find peace in the calm of a being far away places I lived before dreamed ... This is how the story is told of oneself in a book ... and it works ... almost better than if they were my feet that contasen history ... Keep us informed. After much life there is no greater beauty than the eye describing places they inhabit the heart. Other easements are so boring ... blessed words poetize the air ...
Today I take the toast offered me the absence of that endless queue of reviews to thank all that you are and share with us, your readers. His look of Lisbon makes it even more appealing and longed. His pen flits from the Barrio Alto to the sea as a curious surprised at every turn Alice. I salute and thank you, D. Antonio Muñoz Molina, from very close to the "line" of Portugal in Castila and León.
I know that blind! I always give ground brian de staic I see some change. Alegra subway cars, not make you feel guilty, laments his blindness, has overcome with humor and talent. Thank you very much for your comment that I share one hundred percent. Lisbon has been very important in my life, it still is and will be.
Tesserae. When I was at school, in the class of hobbies we learned to make mosaics with tiles. I remember that we bought in a shop in the street Fomento Madrid. I made a Mort.

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