Friday, August 22, 2014

sudo apt - get remove claddagh door knocker - purge libunity * Install the latest kernel: claddagh

If anyone knows me, it is rather unlikely that they do not know that I use every day (at home and at work) Ubuntu. Although I had a few "jumps to the side" of różnistymi desktop environments, system versions and configurations ... Finally, I sit on the archaic (theoretically) LTS and Cinnamon desktop (Nightly of course). Many may come in handy some justifications and regulations, which I use at home. For many, the entry will be dull, boring, useless, trite. claddagh door knocker No difficult
Why LTS? Long term support. Not so long ago, everything in between claddagh door knocker LTS'ami was officially defined as development versions. Even though the base of the system is slightly "stale", it actually can freshen any application with PPA. Why Cinnamon? It's very simple. Therefore, it is not Unity, KDE, Gnome Shell, Xfce, LXDE and whatever else is different ... I tested all of them. All have pros and cons, but (for me) Cinnamon is the best value of the former to the latter Traditional panel at the bottom (or top, if you will), a traditional menu (works triggering the funny button with the operating system logo with window logo ), the traditional notification area, GTK under the hood (like QT, GTK applications but KDE does not look) and of what is most important: it is not as stupid as reckless environment Unity Mint Why not? Contrived. Which further deviates from the norm? MDM instead of LightDM, Kernel 3.10.9, Faenza Icons, Theme Cinnamon Nightlife-Human, frame windows and controls Numix. Applications must-have? Gdebi, Synaptic, Conky (Conky Manager - I'm lazy), Guake, vim-nox, htop, TMUX, Thunderbird, Skype (depending claddagh door knocker sucks ia32lib), Pidgin, Google Chrome (or Chromium ... whatever) {GIMP (2.8.6) , LibreOffice (} - as you can see can be with the freshness in the LTS
sudo apt - get install claddagh door knocker ubuntu mom - mom - themes Reboot and login to Cinnamon Removing Unity and all that with him going (applications, which flew by the way, and that we may need to install it by default):
sudo apt - get remove claddagh door knocker - purge libunity * Install the latest kernel: claddagh door knocker - charge (eg. directory ~ / Downloads / kernel) from the repository with the latest kernel package for your architecture. For x86_64 will be: linux-headers for amd64 linux-headers for all linux-image for amd64
Well ... this configuration is perfect for me. Both work and home. I got used to her unearthly. Cinnamon has a great, minimalist screensaver and lock screen display. I got used to switch screens and tilingu which is Cinnamonie. This is a good working environment, which I recommend.
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