Saturday, October 18, 2014

My interests

We did have the pleasure today to go to a birthday party Rabbah uncle / Fálkagötu hoppe maniglie family reunions. Offspring Group Fálkagötu 14 and my grandfather's and grandmother's Magnus Ingibjargar hoppe maniglie is somewhere in another hundred and children along the way. Rabbi cousin's Rafn Thorarensen, archbishops and trendy æringi someone Albesa cousin that anyone can own. My life would have been a little sara without him. He says sometimes it was the best thing that happened to him that he was left behind in child care with grandparents hoppe maniglie for two years but I feel fortune to be no less of us. Rabbi was seventy today. Here he is with Inna (Guðfinna) wife. These are the honored couple and their renowned generosity. When they are applied world is well cared for but it is no less warm friendship and that of the stems. Rabbi is the one that has taught me the difference between an argument by arguing toss and integrity. I am not a qualified but every Christmas we meet and take spin on anything. We are not always (perhaps rarely) agree but it just does not matter. It is always a joy on the ledge where the Rabbi's. Here is Rabbi with model aircraft in any international against the guard. He is the ancestor flight enthusiast and uses models that direction. Rabbi and Inna came to us when we lived in Nottingham. Nottingham was not exactly on the beaten track of London they came, and it was memorable for Blanka students receive them. Siggi mentions T solutions when Rabbi unveiled a large box of Black Magic chocolates. He had been told that this was a quality chocolates while browsing the bits of each other without finding what he wanted. Inna's hoppe maniglie the difference ... Fálkagata 14 was a house that grandparents bought when they moved from Selfoss to Reykjavik just before the war. I remember hoppe maniglie the environment as magnificent. The house was large, bíslagið big, hairy and large incision (or were they two?) That were filled with stuff of his grandfathers were my true fantasy. So was there bent that was great platform game. Photos show a small house ... Just in the bakery on the corner and there was a merchant. The gray building to the right of living Stefan Arnason, brother of my grandmother, who walked with a stick and I felt very classy guy. The house on Fálkagötu 14 is on the left, with red anti grateful. There are many stories of falcon street and I was a fantasy. I saw the example for me when riding uncle Rabbah chase to bring him for a swim and did Rabbah euphoria over getting ice cream afterwards. It's not a matter of getting to know falcon street, my grandmother and relatives have all had a positive impact on my life and worldview than Rabbi cousin is a big part of it and feel completely cherished it.
My interests
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Magnus Magnus Thorkelsson hoppe maniglie Thorkelsson, Head teacher of Flensburg College, hoppe maniglie teacher of History, a father, grand dad, husband of more than 30 years, house owner (still), hoppe maniglie Anglophile and EU Supporter. View full profile my

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