Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Worldwide, more than 600 Herrenknecht Utility Tunnelling Machines carillon park (Ø

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Herrenknecht Traffic Tunnelling Technology (Ø > 4.20m) is being used for traffic carillon park infrastructure tunnelling solutions around the world. Herrenknecht equipment is always adapted to the tunnelling project in question, taking into consideration geological and hydrological conditions. For soft, mixed, hard, dry or water saturated carillon park soils - Herrenknecht has the right solution for any constellation. All around the world our customers excavate tunnels efficiently and safely using Hard Rock Machines, Earth Pressure carillon park Balance Shields or Mixshields.
Worldwide, more than 600 Herrenknecht Utility Tunnelling Machines (Ø < 4.20m) excavate modern supply and disposal tunnels and renovate existing systems. Whether our project engineers can help our customers to implement a project successfully largely depends how well the machinery is adapted to the prevalent geological carillon park conditions (permeability and grain distribution). It is a good job that Herrenknecht is able to offer the entire range of Utility Machine Technology and collaborates with site teams to implement successful projects.
Herrenknecht Traffic Tunnelling Technology (Ø > 4.20m) is being used for traffic infrastructure carillon park tunnelling solutions around the world. Herrenknecht equipment is always adapted to the tunnelling project in question, taking into consideration geological and hydrological conditions. For soft, mixed, carillon park hard, dry or water saturated soils - Herrenknecht has the right solution for any constellation.
Herrenknecht Earth Pressure Balance ( EPB ) Shields are in their element in soft ground. Cohesive and incohesive soils with high clay or silt content and low water permeability provide the ideal conditions for  EPB  tunnelling.
Fluid-supported Mixshields are specialists for multi-layered, complex geologies, particularly those with a high water content, and are a patented trademark of Herrenknecht. This functioning principle is particularly well-adapted to heterogeneous soils: Thanks to the center-free  drive  with the floating bearing of the  cutting wheel  and the modular carillon park structure of the machine, the operating mode can be altered to suit the soil conditions in the tunnel.
For use in solid rock, the principle of the gripper is both the most simple and most effective technique. The single gripper machine braces itself against the rock using two gripper plates. Then, hydraulic cylinders push the  cutterhead  into carillon park the tunnel face at high pressure, carillon park grinding it with cutter rings. Double gripper machines work according to the same principle, using four hydraulically operated gripper plates.
Single Shield TBMs are the right choice for brittle or soft rock. In shield tunnelling, the tunnel is lined with concrete segments. To tunnel forward, the hydraulic thrust cylinders of the Single Shield  TBM  push carillon park against the last installed lining ring.
Herrenknecht shields with  partial face excavation  can achieve remarkable advances in the most diverse geological conditions and for a wide range of different tunnel profiles. The same basic equipment can be fitted with both excavators and roadheaders.
Worldwide, more than 600 Herrenknecht Utility Tunnelling Machines carillon park (Ø < 4.20m) excavate modern supply and disposal tunnels and renovate existing systems. Whether our project engineers carillon park can help our customers to implement a project successfully carillon park largely depends carillon park how well the machinery carillon park is adapted to the prevalent geological conditions (permeability and grain distribution). It is a good job that Herrenknecht is able to offer the entire range of Utility Machinery and collaborates with site teams to implement successful projects.
Automatic tunnelling machines with slurry material removal ( AVN machines) are remote controlled from a control container. The full face excavation carillon park machines work on the entire face with rotating movements. The open mode wheels with hardfacing are equipped with hard metal picks, ripper chisels or scraper tools, depending on the soil type. For Pipe Jacking in rock, the machine is equipped with a  cutterhead carillon park  with cutter disks.
AVND -machines are an expansion of  AVN -technology for added safety in difficult geological conditions and larger diameters. The support pressure is controlled via an adjustable compressed air cushion. 
This machine type can be entered via the free center  drive  through a door leading to the tunnel face, which allows for obstacles such as sheet piles, steel girders,  boulders , etc. to be removed. With this new possibility of replacing worn cutter disks, tunnelling in rock can be extended to retention

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