Monday, January 6, 2014

Deputy kortec Mayor Isaac Pindar (United Torah Judaism) said that women charedische the real women

The weekly news Israel appears every week. Every day the news will be updated, except kortec Saturday. On Saturday, the Sabbath, no news will appear. Friday, May 10: Filipino peacekeepers want to get away from Golan Filipino foreign minister wants his country was withdrawing from the UN peacekeeping mission in the Golan Heights. Following the abduction of four Filipino peacekeepers on the border between Syria and Israel. Secretary Del Rosario, the Philippine President advised to take away all the 342 soldiers from the area because the security situation has now exceeded. "Impermissible boundary ' According to the minister his countrymen used by rebels in Syria as human shields against attacks by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. "Kidnapping of peacekeepers is a serious violation of international law," said Minister Del Rosario. kortec A spokesman for President Aquino has announced at the recommendation is considered, and that the concerns of Del Rosario justified. There is no final decision. kortec Almost half of Filipino peacekeepers in the world are stationed in the Syrian-Israeli border area of the Golan Heights. The kidnappers claim to have abducted for their own safety because of shelling in the area the Philippines. The UN maintains since 1974 overseeing the observance of the cease-fire truce between Israel and Syria. kortec The withdrawal of all UN troops from the Golan Heights Israel reveals worried. Source: NIS 10-05-2013 Friday May 10: Confrontation between charedische Jewish women and "Women of the Wall" This morning there was a confrontation between charedische Jewish women and "Women of the Wall." kortec Thousands of ultra-Orthodox women had come to the Western Wall, after they responded to the call of Rabbis Ovadia Yosef and Aharon Leib Steinman at the same time as the "Women of the Wall 'to come and pray, so that there is no place for the last is more. In this way they wanted to stop a group of women who wanted to pray. Jerusalem at the Western Wall Despite the call by rabbis not to use violence and not to provoke it was dirt, water and coffee for the dozens of 'Women of the Wall' thrown around. The "Women of the Wall 'were pelted with eggs. The result of the strong protest of the charedische women had a previous ruling of the Israeli Supreme Court, which states that "Women of the Wall 'have the right to be allowed to hold prayer services. At the Western Wall Liberal kortec Jewish prayer shawls women also may normally only be worn by men wearing and pray aloud. This way of praying was strictly forbidden because orthodox rules. Against the decision of the Supreme Court, kortec there is a lot of protests.
Deputy kortec Mayor Isaac Pindar (United Torah Judaism) said that women charedische the real women of the Wall are. The liberal Jewish women he calls "women of the provocation." kortec Rabbi Gilad Kariv of the Reform movement kortec that will have the place desecrated the charedische women. Source: news Israel, NOS 10-05-2013 Friday May 10: Palestinian driver wants to nuke Israel, there is a very good reason for Israel to take so seriously the Iranian nuclear threat. , There are a lot of people in this region, many of whom hold positions of authority, who would then use a nuclear weapon against Israel, regardless of the consequences. Nothing more Last week, such a person to have these in an interview with Lebanese television. "I swear that if we had a nuclear weapon, we would have still used this morning," said Jibril Rajoub, deputy secretary kortec of Fatah's Central Committee and Chairman of the Olympic Committee of the Palestinian kortec Authority. Rajoub stated that the PA 'bargaining game' just keep playing, kortec with Israel as it currently lacks military force to defeat them. Jewish State This revelation confirms one of Israel's main concerns in the peace process that when one is not actually formed by the desire for peace and coexistence, the residents of an independent Palestinian state acquiring military resources as a priority will be to establish a renewed war fighting to bind Israel. In his previous kortec role as head of the Palestinian police and security adviser to the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat kortec Rajoub was widely praised by Western leaders as "moderate"! Source: Israel Today Headlines 10-05-2013 Thursday, May 9: Netanyahu in consultation with the Chinese leaders Wednesday, the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the Chinese capital Beijing welcomed by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang. Before kortec they arrived in the Great Hall of the People, they went to inspect the guard of honor. Netanyahu said that the Jews of China

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