After the last bell rang I've come home from school my friend went up to one class with him and his name was Dani oh yes the name of the girl that I mean that his name was commonly addressed RISKHA FAIRUNISSA Ikha cute hehe his name right? yes obviously is the person wrote slanted so cute hehe.
"Ohh he just said the hell with me if there is a theme that says if the nyariin told her dani want nyiapin home first because I work at home group and he is telling you pick him now," said his sesambil said to me with eyes that slanted doorbell wiring
"Hahaha hell yeah the guy weve Dani so, oh yes yes I want to go home first home because doorbell wiring I want there to work quickly so the group can not you pick Dani later he was late again working group hehe" he said sesambil told me to pick Dani
After talking to ikha was satisfied I will immediately set off for his house to pick up the Dani. and sure enough there he turns his house and when I entered the room I was to see the Dani was busy busy and maybe its looking for something that does work equipment group.
Even then we left and the day when it was really cloudy and we also cruised with maximum speed and profit that we could really fit the Ikha nyampai new home tuh down with heavy rain and I can not go home so I was forced to endure once home Ikha
"And hell Halahh? Kerjain aja tuh bikinin task I want you to drink first" he said sesambil mkenuju kitchen
I was still playing with the cat UMIKHA Ikha very cute and as it turns out was to play the Ikha asikan my attention doorbell wiring which is cool with the UMIKHA and I glanced at the little chuckle Ikha fit the look I was cool to play the same whatever the UMIKHA that is in her mind Suddenly ...........
"Yeah real oh yes I really want to work on group first well you wrote first play play ya at the UMIKHA hehehe" he said sesambil hand over hand to the UMIKHA
Inspirated By: Riskha Fairunissa (Ikha JKT48) & UMIKHA (Si Ikha White Cat)
Friends Not The Same
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