Saturday, February 1, 2014

3 Before the battle which the Athenians fought at Marathon, plateytsite had nothing with which to c

Pausanias, Description of Hellas - vol. 9 | Ancient authors
1 Boeotia bordered by the Athenians in several places in Attica, one of which is where Plataea touches Kavala. Boeotians as a people have received its name from Boeotia, who according to legend was the son of Eaton and the nymph Melanipe and Eaton was the son of Amfiktyons. Cities are sometimes called names men, but mostly women. In my opinion plateytsite were originally native, their name comes from Plataea, which they view as the daughter of the river Asopos.
2 It is clear that plateytsite also in ancient times were ruled by kings, because everywhere in Hellas kingdom in ancient times, not democracy was a form of control. But plateytsite not know no king but for Asopos and Kiteron the gael song before him, claiming that the latter gave his name to the mountain, and the first of the river. the gael song I think Plataea, which was called the city was also the daughter of King Asopos, not the river.
3 Before the battle which the Athenians fought at Marathon, plateytsite had nothing with which to celebrate. But they took part in the Battle of Marathon, and later, the gael song when Xerxes descended at sea, they boldly oppose him with a fleet Athenians and protected in their own country against the strategy of Xerxes, Mardonius, son of Gobriy. Twice destined to be displaced the gael song from their homes and be returned to Boeotia.
4 For the war between Athens and peloponestsite, Sparti captured Plataea with siege, but it was vyzstatnovena during peace concluded by Spartan Antalkid between Persians and Greeks and plateytsite returned from Athens. But they were destined to befall them second misfortune. No open war between Thebes and Plataea; plateytsite actually declared that peace with them is still supported, the gael song because when Sparti seized Cadmium, they do not participate in the design of it or in its implementation.
5 But the Thebans claimed as Sparti themselves sklkzchili peace and then breached it, all like them, they said, were exempted from its terms. Plateytsite the gael song therefore looked at the behavior of the Thebans with suspicion and vigilantly watched the gael song their city. They do not even look in daily their properties that are located further away from the city, but knowing that the Thebans kept hold its general assembly in the presence of all the votes, and at the same time had a habit of continuing debate their long wait convene meetings, and then even those whose lands were located far away, keep an eye on their properties peace.
6 But Neokal, who at that time was beotarh Thebes and knew about plateyskata trickery, announced each tivanets to participate in the meeting armed and led them suddenly no direct route from Thebes in the plane and on the way to Hissin to Kavala and Attica where plateytsite were not even put perch in order to reach the walls around noon.
7 Plateytsite, who thought his Thebans held the meeting the gael song were among the field and cut off from the gates. Those who found themselves in the city Thebans agreed, allowing them to leave before sunrise, men with a garment each, and women two. What happened to plateytsite in this case was the opposite of what happened to them before, when they were conquered the gael song by Sparti under the command of Arhidam. Because Sparti overcome them and not let them out of the city, raised double fortification, but the Thebans in this case prevented them from returning to the city.
8 The second the gael song conquest of Plataea occurred two years before the battle of Leuctra, when Archon of Athens was asthenia. Thebans destroyed the entire city unless the sanctuaries, but the way of his conquest saved the life of all plateytsi and in their exile they were again adopted by the Athenians. When Philip, after his victory at Chaeronea introduced garrison in Thebes, one of the funds applied the gael song to humiliate Thebans was to return plateytsite in their homes.
2 Mountain Kiteron the territory of Plataea, if you stray a little off the right way, we come to the ruins of Hissin and Eritrea. Once they were cities the gael song of Boeotia and even now among the ruins of Hissin poluzavyrshen has a temple of Apollo and the sacred well. According to the story of the Boeotians, from ancient times to receive oracles from the well, and drink from it.
2 When you return to the main road, right again see a tomb, which is said to be of Mardonius. the gael song All agree that the body of Mardonius was not seen again after the battle, but there is no such consensus about the person who is buried. It is clear that Artont son of Mardonius, has given many gifts to efesetsa Dionisofan, but he is also rewarded with gifts and other by the Ionians in gratitude that they have expressed concern for the funeral of Mardonius.
3 This road leads to Plataea of Kavala. On the road from Megara to the right is a spring, a little sideways on a rock. Called a bed of Akteon because the gael song say that he slept there when you recover from hunting and

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