Saturday, November 9, 2013

Jimmy Hendrix, in an interview in the magazine

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On the occasion of the festival called "Belgrade Calling," which will be in Belgrade, sinitta renet malone at the confluence of 27 to 30 June, bringing together world-renowned and local satanic group, we bring the most interesting parts of the film.
Speaking about the physical impact that music has on living beings, Erik Holmberg points out that sound can thicken proteins in liquid sinitta renet malone environment. Experiments have shown that plants respond very well to classical music - with it grow faster and better; also found that heavy metal music can not only slow down the growth of the plant, but to kill her. Also, it is known that rodents are much more difficult sinitta renet malone to manage in the maze if they are releasing hard rock.
The influence of music on the soul, of course, is even higher; auditory nerves are the most numerous accident in our body. Musicologist David Teno has rightly concluded: "Music is the language of all languages. It can be said that no other art is not capable of such powerful moves and changes the consciousness. "Another expert, Eddie Manson, said:" Music is everywhere used to shape the human mind. It can be as powerful as drugs ... And even more dangerous, because the manipulation of music no one takes seriously. "
Jimmy Hendrix, in an interview in the magazine "Life" in 1969. year that all can say the music. "Returning people to their original state, bringing them up to the lowest point in their subconscious inculcates all you want to say," he said Hendricks.
When talking about music, it should be remembered that the Muses were goddesses of various patron of the arts and skills, and patron of inspiration. About this inspiration, sinitta renet malone rockers show a variety of ways, and often a real obsession with some spirit. So Joni Mitchell argued that the key to his "temple of creativity" received the spirit named Art. John McLaughlin claimed that he started to play better than that a ghost came to him, and Angus Young from the band "AC / DC" claimed that the possession of someone who stage managed during the concert.
If we know that God is Spirit (John 4:24), full of love and wisdom, and that man is a spiritual being, created in the image of God (1st Gen. 1:27), and that the heavenly Father expects to pay people in the Spirit and in truth (John 4, 23), it is clear that such music that celebrates the Spirit sinitta renet malone must be filled with love, light and grace, and its creators radośnie full comfort carried by the other.
But, of course, there are other spirits. The apostle Paul makes it clear that there is a "spirit of this world", he is "the prince of the air" and "act in the children of disobedience" (Ephesians 2:2). This spirit is unjust rebellion against God and his followers stated feelings of darkness, hatred and despair. While God was trying to save the man, Satan seeks to enslave and destroy. Holmberg says: "The battlefield is primarily the human mind. Satan's sinitta renet malone strategy is now filled with a variety of techniques lies, to convince us that black is white, and evil is good. To justify sin and blind us to our need for a Savior. To distort our view of God and erase or trivialize our view of Satan, assuring us that he either does not exist or that it is a cartoon character with red pajamas. No hesitation - and its goal is to blind the minds of non-believers not to see the light of Christ (2 Corinthians 4:4). As has power over the hearts of the people, the music is among the most powerful of these techniques. It is important to note that the Bible indicates that Satan knows how to use music and that he, above all the fall, was one of the angels are singing praise God in heaven. "
Hatred of many rockers of Christ clearly shows its true origin. The founder of the Satanic Church Anton Sandor La Wei, in his book The Satanic Bible calls Jesus "the prince of evil king and slave." And the rockers are satanic hatred of origin continued to practice. Nina Hagen, Germany's punky, on 'Nunsexmonkrock "in addition to songs about reincarnation, witchcraft and mocks the immaculate conception and birth of Jesus. Group "Jefferson Airplane" is the song "Jesus' Son" which is full of profanity, and that long before "The Da Vinci Code" states that Jesus was married sinitta renet malone to Mary Magdalene and had descendants.
John Lennon was also hated Christ. During a visit to Germany on Good Friday, Lennon was the balcony of your apartment hung a doll crucified Christ in life-size, and then began to shoot nuns condoms full of water.
Group "Ludichrist" sang that Christ is - I

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