Saturday, November 16, 2013

Home About us What We Believe Leadership History Contact Us Our Services Personal mid century salva

Home About us What We Believe Leadership History Contact Us Our Services Personal mid century salvage development Professional's anti-anti-Sales Coaching Sales Management Coaching Company-change projects Ignis working capacity management, productivity management, occupational health work of well-being Stormtrooper Fight Club Fight Club What do you get from? Schedule a Service Sales Price Sign Systems Pulse Source Embarcadero Cases Jobs Vacancies Implementation Manager Marketer Growth Academy Privacy Investors Trainers' House as an investment Share Key Figures Corporate Governance Releases Investor mid century salvage Services
How would you describe your professional or managerial work in a few words? How tiivistäisit and tuotteistasit all your knowledge, skills, experience, present and future a couple of sentences here and now? Response time you have 1 minute! Tell your story with me, and I promise to listen to.
A good elevator speech you present yourself and your business. What is the value you can offer? How to stand out from your competitors? How to convince the customer that they need to discuss it a little more just with you?
Story telling is difficult. Who are we? Where are we going? So, in addition to the elevator ride. To identify at least where I am now? What I am committed to the values? mid century salvage A commitment to the shared values of the organization is an important idea in a professional evolution, and it gives a sense of belonging mid century salvage to something greater and meaningful. Our Trainers' House Restaurants values of the human being, courage, velocity, earnings and growth. We help our clients grow by everyday leadership. Leadership mid century salvage is a form of storytelling and its reinforcement.
Lifts and leadership Speaking of ... Still quite a large number is interested in reading Pekka Herlin's biography of the prince of the machine. mid century salvage Herlin we also have each person and the company has an interesting story. In fact, we have more stories to tell, they just need to remember to dig out and brighten.
Elevator speech, you should also tell you the measurable results. You get what you measure, and everything even remotely worth something worth to measure. For example, mid century salvage well-being in the field with our customers, we have succeeded in strengthening the people working in their total reserves in such a way that the body's average age has fallen by up to 5.6 years UKK Institute, according to measurements made. The impact of sickness absence, work ability, and the joy of the work is undoubtedly clear. mid century salvage
Bling! The elevator doors are opened smoothly. "Happy Flow" Csikszentmihalyi mid century salvage a psychologist would say. "Relevant flow" you and I would say in unison. The purpose is variable, which causes the entire business mid century salvage flow of the story. We have a box seat as part of people's everyday mid century salvage lives, and we follow and we will help that a change in a project together with the decisions actually put into practice and will strengthen the businesses of the story. Smuggle the happiness of people to work and bottom line business results. We challenge ourselves to our customers in addition to comfort zones, because there is a development opportunity will arise, and only the future of the most impressive stories.
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. 2005. Flow - the power of life: studies of happiness, when it all goes (the first book in English Flow 1990). Translated by Ritva Hellsten. Rasalas, Helsinki, Finland. Simon, John. 2009. The machine prince - Pekka Herlin's life. Otava, Helsinki, Finland.
In fact, I do not understand mid century salvage the view that the comfort zones generated impressive stories, or that there would be a development opportunity. Or, maybe it is a point of view, what the state of each call comfort zones. For me, comfort zones to being a uniformly fatal work style, "so we always have done, do not try anything new, it's not worth it to pay, etc.". Or ... a comprehensive analysis, reasoning and planning, and ignores the "do mid century salvage now, but like this."
Stories and development does not, therefore, in my opinion no comfort zones, but within the comfort zone in which the work is meaningful, free and responsible. Sense fueled by thoughts and ideas, uncomfortable situation, equality and lack of opportunities is not. There forced from your average solutions, of which 99% are unnecessary work. Sure, we can talk about that, we ate and drank moss pudding - this story was that the IDEA. So the stories are nice, but the discomfort is not in itself a guarantee that something great has been done and is going on.
Trainers' House treats its customers as objects or subjects? "Smuggling" mid century salvage with a connotation, where customers are objects, which are subject to the measures and something wonderful mid century salvage happens ...
"Epämukaavuusalueella acting" with Eevakin was referring to getting so "passing fad" and "long-gone" narrative rhetoric should work for some time beyond: the & #

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