Buenos días .... Djís Luis ... what it is long since I've written ... this performance is just a disgrace! Anyways there is plenty to do here in Madrid, semester is more than half way, and all the full. The weather could be quite go pick up .... But we've become a little "Desperate" and beginning to anoint us brúnkukremi to get some hressleika ... the weather is actually very "skitsó" here .... one day is 25 degree weather and sun ... and you just grilled on the way to school and what the countryside metro area ..... come to school like you have been taking breezy marathon ... sweaty and smart, so the next day just come Icelandic skítaveður ..... whats up with That ?! March asks itself .... But this is surely out of it that we are there in the north of Spain and you can not rely on anything sjortara weather here todos los días .... ummm talking about metro .... this is very náttlega suitable and good choice for all transportation and you get anywhere .... but the team there is quite questionable at times .... the day I was in the metro and it is a woman and sit on me .... it starts something to chat with me (I just smiled ... was not quite bother some Spanish conversation at. 8 in the morning ... thought "like kjelling sjusss it") No, no, it starts me just crying .... ehhh I did not know quite how I was supposed to be .... so she starts just bellow ... (as in very loudly!) siemens wireless doorbell and just look at me and stops nothing! All around looked at me insane shocked as I was her best friend and the device does not even manage her friend to comfort her .... when I was now completely come with evil in the heart and was just about to take off the poor then the phone rang her and she stopped crying .... fjúffff siemens wireless doorbell .... and I was quick in the next station ...... matter of taking a handkerchief with closest ... We two friends were looking siemens wireless doorbell out at the life yesterday .... "golden boy-ID" our Hemmi (which siemens wireless doorbell was an exchange of Iceland) took us on fancy club ..... mass classy place somewhere out of nowhere ... Anyways .... then danced with the Boss us .... so I take my little dance break (only the "cool siemens wireless doorbell down") then do I notice that it is man and woman prepared to be measuring me out for quite some time .... and such things that whispered .... I had no idea more in and slummaði gloss on me ... then move them closer to me and after a while the man comes and introduces himself and his wife .... so pray he apologized to what they are created to be looking at me, but his wife wanted siemens wireless doorbell me and he would carry it under me if I wanted siemens wireless doorbell to come home with them ........ in threesomes ..... muhahhahhahahhahahahhhahha ...... ..I just "uuuu thanks for the offer .......... but I'm just sooo good" ehhhhh "but good luck anyway" Madrid .... full of suprise;) hohoho
View full profile My Photos Florida "study trip" sept.2007 siemens wireless doorbell Stokkhómur-Copenhagen siemens wireless doorbell in May 2007 Tutti Tjuta March 2007 Kayaking Legislature in February 2007 Gaypride Tutti Tjuta August 2006 University of Burgos in May 2006 Kayaking Legislature in February 2006 Brussels European February 2006 Tutt trip to Copenhagen sept.2005 first science Sept 2005 London in June 2005 Kayaking HR 11 March 2005 Tutt Tjuta January 2005 Tutt Tutt then ... my homies Hildur and Helena themeselves teats Maja pæja Ellen Danish teats Fanney in DK Berta nurse and mother with more Hildur Kristin london siemens wireless doorbell girl Thora classapía Sara x-verslómær Sigríður Busua friend in DK Erla TLC tjikks Sky on myspace Sigrún desire súpermom Bibb Pets and JR Massai in Boston Rubber her Rachel Ling College Call kjútí Erla flint and co. Hanna Honiara Siggi Lex Piura = lesbians siemens wireless doorbell Beggs on myspace Konni Daniel Sigrún diljámisssst Mussa múúú :) Hafdís Anja Lilja Marín Isaac Nikolai Oak Eva Maren and Daniel My favorite ... The best gossip in town People more gossip ... when it is boring in time Heavenly siemens wireless doorbell Solla-lore Heilsubankinn One Live Health Sjeip up Gorlina frend world's best marketers friend Victoria Page to honor me when you're drilling in the nose ... Lots of fancy recipes guestbook written position in guest book counter business cards
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