Our luggage weighed two Precis 40 pounds, combined than any other bag 19.2 kg. and the 20.8 kg. Air Lingus welcomed us, but was rather narrow in the system for those who are of Irish moderate. The woman in front of me leaned over the seat in my lap and asked, however, apologize. I leaned too since no one behind me. Nevertheless, fixed legs caught under arms. There was a fuss when I stood up in Dublin, this was also an important gum in your pants! Freyja quests were neurological and signed up with them. I had to contact their web site and insist cleaning. On the way out I went toilettið and time of pants and then the joy is found when we met Eve (as Thor). He is truly ready to adapt to life in Dublin shop bell - drive as Iri and did not take long to bring us down to the hotel, which is right in his home. Well meðmælanlegt - Grand Canal Hotel. Fine, nice, nice breakfast table ... and the service extremely agile.
So skottuðumst with these quick way and met Eve and Oisín (as Thor and Emma) and was well received. On the way they were joined by the riverbank, but there was all the rui and stúi after army of youths who had run to the finish of the race, but forgot to take a one and another, empty bottles, socks, etc. This was very good characteristic for these days, since the bright sun and the heat played with us from 20-30 C. We had a good day in Dublin and in between we sat on Hanover Quay and corrupt children were shuffled around town. We looked at the Dublin Castle, which was much more fun than we thought in advance. The oldest part is from the era of Johann land solution was one of the main boosters to put Ireland under, between his sheriff entered the Robin Hood. So the castle as the architecture patchwork quilt additions and repairs. shop bell There is a beautiful garden which includes a memorial to the fallen police officer on duty. We put ourselves out to wander the neighborhood that we had not seen before. Went on both sides of the river, the south and villtumst little. One, I did the first time this century. I sat in the barber chair and had cut me! Wait, wait !! And moisture;-)
We went to the playground shop bell with Eve and generally dingluðum us! It was fun twister of Temple shop bell Bar and Grafton Street, there were street artists at every corner, many wonderful town full of people, shop bell parks and cafes completely packed. We sat in the pub and there were several happy enough guys to chat including us. They encouraged us to go down to the Temple bar, mention his name in certain bar. I asked if I could write them and it was a great laugh. Another call watt to me while Siggi was something to explore the shops and would tell me about Mavis who ruled the state of Grafton Street. He leans down as orrustuvél bigger burgers or other from the hands of people. The story was well spiced as Ireland is one song. We went all over, we felt, but then ran Friday and then I had to go downtown or so from Dublin 2 Dublin 9, and retrieve the car. It went extremely well and I got him Ratan who told me well to get to the hotel. Much was Siggi me glad to see me (and I gave it to tell the truth). We parked the car in the hotel parking area and was taken on by the majority of navigation and the kids. We went to Herbert park and there was a lot of fun when little Eva ran to me and said: "Grandpa, come and play!"
These are great treasures Oisín and Eva. She is a real nugget, creative, energetic, and just very funny. He's going to get on the tour, but rotates in circles in order to keep up with his sister! And no complaining hospitality Emma and dry! Cool birthday party for Emma! Next on the agenda was to head north of the country! It is the next verse!
New home, Dragon House.
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Magnus Magnus Thorkelsson Thorkelsson, Head teacher of Flensborg College, teacher of History, a father, grand dad, husband of more than 30 years, house owner (still), shop bell Anglophile and EU Supporter. View all my profile
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