Tuesday, November 11, 2014

nice shots during the chase on shirts, caps and tractor :) and I thought I would get to know how it

KAJSA LISA IN DUBLIN PART 7 | Kajsa Lisa's doorbell chime cover Blog Blog
No we should not start a family farm, but their model has a new field that must be plowed. The tractor would be gray hot Ferguson and be in scale 1: 76th That I had been written down on a note and 1: 76 was apparently the most important.
Love just trying doorbell chime cover to explain things I'm not familiar with, 1: 76 therefore means that sets the 76 tractors on line so it will be just as far as a real tractor. They are based in 1:87, but the British and Irish are a bit special doorbell chime cover and has its own scale, the difference is not so big. This thing with scales is apparently doorbell chime cover important when you're doing stuff like this, for example, would my old Barbie doll head out and pick blueberries in their model landscape would not look out wisely. doorbell chime cover This post will therefore be about shopping in Dublin.
Grafton Street is the main shopping street with its malls around. But now I was looking for something genuine, come home with some nike shirts that are $ 50 cheaper than in Sweden, who cares? I do not do it anyway. When I was in Goa and Phuket I let tailors sew jackets exactly to my standards. In London, it was Hunter Boots, maybe not so genuine but SEK 400 cheaper than in Sweden, of course.
Ireland is known for its knitted sweaters, Aran sweaters have a great tradition. They are made in wool with special patterns, which were unique to each fish family. Drowned someone and floated ashore knew who it was if he had the sweater on him. Maybe just a myth, but it says a lot about the hard life they lived there.
Find the genuine Dublin proved to be rather difficult, tourist information did not understand what I rambled doorbell chime cover on at all. But finally we found the right Nassau Street is easy to find, go south of Trinity College with the wall on one side.
Got to talk directly to the House of Ireland. Certainly no Arantröja, who seems to have designs on the arms as well. But was pleasantly surprised, a knitted wool sweater made in Ireland (they said anyway) is cheaper than a cotton sweatshirt made in China Åhlens in Stockholm. Approximately 700 crowns, they hand knitted was about twice as expensive. Linda and I struck.
Now we had thus caps and shirts, what remained of the plans from home was Linda's doorbell chime cover black Hunter boots and so the tractor. It was then that I found this shop a bit further down on Sraid Thobar Phatdraig (now we began thus feel damn genuine). Heraldry, apparently with evidence of crests to do. It was closed for lunch, but I peeked in, the store was full of trains and models. Here, perhaps, we decided to return, now we snack craving.
Today's purchase was thus ulltröjor brand Ireland eye and tweed caps, with genuine Irish plodding twist. In the next section, we shall continue the hunt for the tractor, check some of the education system and familiarize ourselves with the Irish weather which we have avoided so far. Chuala Muid.
nice shots during the chase on shirts, caps and tractor :) and I thought I would get to know how it was with the tractor, and maybe get to see a picture now :) Re: I understand you will have received snow there in the Stockholm area Hugs and have a nice day off
Oh Dublin. doorbell chime cover Lived in a small village north of Dublin doorbell chime cover for six months (au pair) and often went into town. A wonderful city and it's so wonderful to see all your pictures and relive the city again. :)
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