Thursday, October 16, 2014

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I do not see Mogg every day but when I looked togue him and view the articles in the center of the sheet are characterized by the writings of European opponents and the language is rough and force charged form with each passing day. Sleggjudómar, latives and degrading adjectives characterize writing. You really feel like these people did not go out of the house or to other countries in their lives. Do people think that if we join the EU then flow kommissaraher here to let us change the tongue, joining the symptoms clothing abolish Icelandic government and Parliament, yfrtaki Suddenly the Icelandic economy and make us slaves? Have these people been to Malta (small state), Great Britain, Germany, Sweden? I do not know better than to cultural, administrative and economic are all similar to those in the EU. In some countries people use the euro and other currencies old secured Euro. Their economy has not collapsed because of the euro or the EU. If they are in trouble, it is because of people togue who went around the regulatory framework in these countries, just as in this country. togue But most likely, the debate followed the same path as usual. People with an interest in violence and intimidation, threatening expression and fear of people to insure themselves. However, do not be thinking about the public interest. togue It is in the interest cause Earn controlling movement, those who have been able to with a combined birth, ownership and access to resources, including funds held by others (cf. 500 billion that disappeared from the pension funds) go freely and makað own hooks. We will see when the cards are laid on the table. I imagine the terror togue propaganda togue Mogg pen is progressive in accordance with these parties know that rational able to hire a person loses the veneer of his wishes. And as it says in English - about time to!
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Magnus Magnus Thorkelsson Thorkelsson, Head teacher of Flensburg College, teacher of History, a father, grand dad, husband of more than 30 years, house owner (still), Anglophile and EU Supporter. View full profile my

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