Quite a long time I used the PAC Manager to handle calls ssh, sftp, etc.., However, I decided I wanted to return to the Terminal application screen but did not offer too good sharing options window vertical / horizontal, and so it was suggested to me tmux'a. TMUX
So basically something like a screen, the problem things celtic only startup configuration to split windows. I'm interested in the division of the four windows on four parts and this created a bash script but I could not exactly split windows. Always one of them is not split vertically or horizontally. Here until I solve this problem remains appropriate abbreviation that divides the window (cb-Alt-(1-5)). przezacnie things celtic works in conjunction with the "tilde", the only thing is that you configure the same TMUX - the colors, the blinds keys. So far, no wydziwiaĆem too much, just bind to reset the configuration and change the color of the bottom panel. Later I will try to redo this little panel which would show a little more interesting information. #! / Bin / sh TMUX new-session-d TMUX split-window 'program / whatever' TMUX split-window 'program / whatever' TMUX split-window 'program / whatever' TMUX attach-session d
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