My blog friend "Ptarmigan" have listed their 10 favorite birds where she has capercaillie and black grouse in the state. These birds are very high for me too but this guy is a combination is higher. Rackelhanen is a cross between the Black Grouse and Capercaillie so it's set for a nice bird.
Otherwise, it's hard to list their favorite birds when there are so many different. But pretty rough so you can say raptors, owls, the great grouse (capercaillie grouse &) then so be yes of course not deny that kingfishers are extra heart.
Ingemar, your photo's are lovely. It's a beautiful bird. Have a nice evening gold door knocker earrings Marijke December 14, 2011 18:44
Ikke jeg ofte see pictures of "rakkelhaner" gold door knocker earrings og ikke ihvertfall so good pictures you viser her :-) Have aldri opplevd Disse hybridene selv, but tviler ikke reach Sier the rager Høyt the list over favorittfugler! gold door knocker earrings Rune December gold door knocker earrings 14, 2011 20:01
Oi, the bildene ble kjempefine. Lately bildet BLE fog. Have aldri seen him før. Well laerte jeg noe igjen. Jeg your nok agrees with the dough at isfuglen're just one monster. Haper jeg get tatt et bumper sticker of the day. Have a trivelig uke til deg. December 14, 2011 21:08
Hello! Oops, again amazing photos and this time on a Rackelhane - nicely captured. Yes, top ten, wondering how my list could look like then!? I have a particular fondness for large birds, but also the really small well-singing birds appeals to me, hmm .. it's hard to choose, all have their charms. Have a nice continuation of the week! December 14, 2011 21:36
Amazing pictures of Rackelhahn! So glad you managed to see it ... On orrspelet last spring, I saw a black cock that looked more like a grouse and it seemed a little outcast ... perhaps it was a cross ... or just a young black grouse .. . Have a great day! Glad you linked to my site :) December 14, 2011 22:41
As always nice pics, profesional pics I would say .......... this bird we dont have it in Spain (we have the Tetrao urogallus in the North) and is a reallly elegant black bird. Saludos! December 15, 2011 10:12
How can this be. Are they that kind of friends so that they mate Well I am very uneducated in the world of birds because I have never seen detta.Vilken beautiful bird it was. Sure it tjäderna that has the red over the eye. AMAZING pictures. You are superb gold door knocker earrings though gold door knocker earrings that I do not need to write for you know that I enjoy. A real favvisfotograf. Uncle Henning gold door knocker earrings can not really blasts either. Have a great day there in the evening. Kramizzzar you. December 15, 2011 19:47
It was not a bad favorite bird Ingemar! Moreover extremely fine photographed. And I had never seen either the black grouse and capercaillie would give a lot to be a part of such a meeting, but there are not that plenty of them around here. I must content myself with other things. Stglitsen gold door knocker earrings came by one day and it's not so hot too ;-) Incidentally, I feed all the birds that please come here, including a bunch of "hulliganskator". Nice Weekend! / Maria 16 December 2011 08:22
Strange! Surely it can not be a lot of this particular hybrid but already in elementary school we were taught gold door knocker earrings that there were rackelhanar.Favoritfågel? Difficult! My heart melts often enough for the little cuties ass tits and robins. Kerstin December 16, 2011 08:58
Morten Borg, Thanks Morten, just as you do so, images are always a little nicer when you get a little environment and not just a "close up". Giga, Thanks a lot. Joop, Thanks a lot. Fábio Martins, Thanks for your kind words. Leiv Arne Åkset, thank Leiv Arne. Yes it really is something special gold door knocker earrings about the games in early spring. Rune Olsen, Yes it is really special gold door knocker earrings rackelhanarna. Have just encountered these birds we occasionally but it's really nice appointments. ceesvg, Thanks a lot. Hilda, yes, the kingfisher is one of the world's most beautiful birds. gold door knocker earrings It seems to me that the puffin is the most beautiful thing in the Nordic countries, it is so rare that it is seen here in Sweden. If it is seen, it is far, far off the coast. A beautiful gold door knocker earrings day in my life and I will go up to Runde .... Bea, yes, it is not easy to list their birds really. All have their charms on one way or another. Just as you write so it's no so sing so incredibly beautiful while others are beautiful to look at. Bob Bushell, Thanks a lot. Fjällripan, Thank you very much. Yes maybe it was a Rackelhahn gold door knocker earrings but usually they only times I've seen them on venues so removes the round that bare it. They destroy almost the game for everyone else! totto, Thank you very much for your nice words about my "rackel"., Thanks a lot for your kind words. Robert Espeseth, Thank you very much Robert! Ramón Suárez, Thanks gold door knocker earrings a lot. Raphael und Yvonne, Thanks a lot! Lotta, hmmm, they're probably not really such friends gold door knocker earrings but I think some are ahead of the game when the opportunity "offered". They have everything a little red both of them but really they have black grouse about everything. The "blowing & quo
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