Makhachkala, Dagestan - September 21 around 5:30 am, heavily armed masked police officers surrounded the house of Nasser Dzhavadov in South Dagestan. While the family slept, a squad of special forces friedlander angola invaded in the backyard and entered the unlocked garage where commandos foraging for 30 minutes. At 6:00 am knocked on the door and announced that lead Nasser friedlander angola in the capital of Dagestan Makhachkala for questioning in connection with the murder of a local authority in 2009
The next day, authorities announced that 52-year-old businessman and father of six children, died in detention. friedlander angola The official cause of death was heart failure. However, when the brother of Nasser Niyaz Dzhavadov doctor, went to the morgue, he found that his brother's body shows signs of severe beating and death seems anything but natural. This is the law and order in Dagestan.
This small Russian republic on the shores of the Caspian Sea has earned worldwide fame this spring as a former home of Tsarnaevi family, relatives of suspected bombers from Boston. Big Brother seems to have been adopted radical Islam, when he came to visit last year. Would, however, be difficult to find like-minded people. Predominantly Muslim Dagestan population of 2.9 million people are increasingly radicalized in recent years, and the idea of an independent friedlander angola Islamic state in Moscow friedlander angola is becoming more popular. According to locals and experts the main reason for this is the type supported by the state lawlessness and corruption of officials, who spoke brother Nasser Dzhavadov.
Dagestan has surpassed neighboring Chechnya as a center of Caucasus Islamic terrorists who threaten friedlander angola to attack the Olympics in Sochi this winter. Their last major attack was in 2011, when 37 people were killed in a bomb attack at the airport in Moscow. Since the Olympics is only 15-hour drive from Dagestan, which Russian geographical standards is a stone's throw, Vladimir Putin ordered to step up efforts to "firmly and permanently" secure the region, as he put it at a press conference in June. According to civilians the result is dark and things only got worse.
In a telephone conversation with an interpreter from his home near the Azerbaijani border Dr Niyaz Dzhavadov, remember friedlander angola what happened in detail. He also was sleeping when police arrived at the home of his brother. Details of the operation in the early hours of coming Dzhavadov daughter, who was awake and watching from the house next door. Dzhavadov says that after his daughter warned his parents, he ran to the house of his brother, but was not allowed friedlander angola to enter.
Later Dzhavadov went to the morgue. "I saw that Nasser's ribs were broken, friedlander angola had bruises friedlander angola on his chest, the big toe looked like a broken with pliers." Wrist of the corpse had deep scars, "if he had been suspended from the ceiling."
Since then, he is desperately trying to get an explanation, but just get rid of him between institutions. friedlander angola Federal investigators, who believe they are investigating the case, told him to turn to the Dagestani Interior Ministry, which manages involved in the operations police unit. The Ministry, however, did not cooperate. Ministry in Makhachkala forward the author to the Federal Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow, which in turn said he could not comment on the case immediately. Hence recommend to send a written request by mail and expect a response friedlander angola in two weeks to a month.
Dzhavadov referred the case to the Dagestani branch of the "Memorial", Russian human rights organization that helps families to receive a formal response in cases of unexplained deaths and disappearances. In his office in Makhachkala lawyer friedlander angola from "Memorial" Elena Denisenko leafing through the file of Dzhavadov - one of many in the pile of allegations of murder without trial, disappearances, torture, forced confessions and other horrors.
"We have had such cases before. Now, however, more frequent, "says friedlander angola Denisenko. It added that until "Memorial" has failed to learn something more than Dzhavadov the death of his brother.
In a statement dated September 22 to the site of the federal investigative committee said that the investigation of the deceased Dzhavadov continues to keep a check on the circumstances of his death. The statement does not mention described by Dr. Dzhavadov injuries but the official cause of heart problems. Added that during the search of the house of Dzhavadov September 21 were found several weapons, including three Kalashnikovs with a large number of bullets for them, four separate license plate and about 2.7 million rubles friedlander angola in cash.
It states that it is unclear how much and what information gets Putin in Moscow for the operations of the security forces in distant Dagestan. Representative of the presidential press service told the author that he is familiar with
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