Friday, December 20, 2013

Do their occurrences? Allow bikers to ride on the sidewalks at night. Yes, from 22:30 to 10:00! On

It seemed dog training bells that we were going to take the year concluded with no surprises or bizarre news, when it has come Valladolid and has starred in the stroke that puts the icing on this crazy 2011. The Pisuerga, the City Council has decided to throw imagination of this sort of thing is that city bikes and was given a twist that all supporters to take things dog training bells out of proportion were waiting and had the nerve to present in the form of draft Municipal Traffic. For if this matter of discretion and invention was not sufficiently limp in this country zambomba and tabor, the pucelano council is composed with the outrageous, inappropriate and unusual measures. They have done so without blushing. More is it intended to reconcile them bicycle dog training bells traffic and get results that todosy content themselves to serve to drive in a definitive way the use of the bicycle as a means of transportation.
Do their occurrences? Allow bikers to ride on the sidewalks at night. Yes, from 22:30 to 10:00! On the sidewalks of over 3 meters. Circling not exceeding 10 kilometers per hour. With bell. Honestly scary. "Sidewalk Bike" in the Paseo Zorrilla then decorate with other proposals such as allowing cyclists occupy a lane ... but limit it only to the right lane and not the bike path by choose. They also talk trailers and saddles to transport kids, animals and approved loading ... but do not mention where they can approve trailers to transport children who today are illegal under the Highway Code. They also allude to how to conduct a bike and try to arrange parking, among many other things. As most useful instrument is expressly defined sidewalk bike as a tool to connect bike lanes. It is mentioned in the news the decisive influence it has had the Traffic Department with their orientations toward what the future should be a universal rule, but they, brave, announce that they will not wait for that and that will accelerate process to enforce the collection of atrocities. The contribution of all normal local cycling association far. The worst is when the cyclist Assembly Valladolid, entity belonging to ConBici, enters the scene and instead put some sense into the matter and return the water to the channel of wisdom, demand more pedestrian spaces available and allowed to cycle on pavements and pedestrian areas throughout the day. Where is the city 30? Where the relief to respect pedestrians and sidewalks as an exclusive space for these? Absolutely demecial. Chime Now, for it does not appear that this unfortunate enough, we just got.
This visionary company dog training bells alavesa dog training bells have thought of defending our bikes from thieves with elephants at a rate of an elephant by bike, though with the ability to make intelligent. Two cubic meters, 2 for each bike as a colossal architectural barrier. To display have mounted a simulation with two-way bike sidewalk, where grazing elephants occupying the little sidewalk that is adjacent dog training bells to the building. Sen-sa-trade channel. Clearly dog training bells this is not going to end until it is finished and we must be vigilant until the last minute, lest someone be surprise us with something bolder and more outrageous still, in this crazy year. Are there any higher?
This is my world ...
My list of blogs
I Love Bikes
Text amendments to the parliamentary groups Reform Project dog training bells Traffic Law
Needs your feedback: Westminster council Publishes a cycle strategy designed by a drunk spider. Some of this is fairly decent but a lot of it is really second-rate. Please fill out the online survey (link at the bottom)
Groningen: The World's Cycling City
promoting bicycle sustainable mobility cycleway rules video driveway strategy dog training bells shared pedestrian dog training bells tort road safety education accidents cyclists cycling promotion coexistence change modal bike sidewalk build city desmotorización pedestrians future tips political cicleatones culture rider education fear associations calm traffic change mentally public spaces DGT accidents testimony public bike campaign self-reliance advertising dog training bells campaigns empathy car parking walk the complete streets initiatives segregation road rage sidewalk graffiti revolution society people riding bike social movement cyclability relief pedestrian infrastructure crises theft car vs bicycle helmet bike advertising space redistribution Pamplona healthy habits to work by bike econom

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