Santiago Carrillo brass doorbell Solares, alleged Communist, died the 18th of this month has been hailed by many as Mariano Rajoy, Esperanza Aguirre, Don Juan Carlos I and other rightists brass doorbell in the day of his death, but real people LEFT has not cheered, if they have not said outdoor living Carrillo's death, because he was a traitor Spanish Communist Party. Professional politician was at 18 years old, was an important figure of the Spanish Republic and war against fascism, but over the years, Santiago, began to change their ideals, changed the republican flag for the flag rojigualda (Spanish flag) of the Bourbon monarchy, put aside and urban movements brass doorbell demobilized brass doorbell workers and agreed to be a citizen brass doorbell living in a dictatorship. His political acts were never fixed, because one day capitalist parties massacred verbatim the next day how supported and praised. During his tenure there were too PCE policy after the War blackheads caused falls of organizations like the PCE (former founder). Behind PCE being expelled from his rightist brass doorbell thoughts joined the PSOE, sending brass doorbell a message to his followers saying that the PCE was a mistake, and if they wanted a true leftist political party will continue on the path of the PSOE. Anti convert, anti-Soviet and faithful political support Don Juan Carlos I.
This article does not want to stain the figure of Santiago Carrillo, only prove that there was a communist if not a traitor of the proletariat and communism, and that's why I made this article, so you will not be remembered as a hero of communism, but as one more than when they see difficult things changed sides.
No doubt Mr. Carrillo made clear his lack of ethics when he agreed to stand for election of 77, and not just to forget everything that happened during the dictatorship and sell left the Spanish monarchy and hierarchy, but also for having forgotten the that should be the main goal of the PCE: recover the Republic of workers guaranteed a social democracy and direct. That was certainly the great betrayal of Carillo, let go of what I thought and become "one more" of this tangle of corrupt and hypocritical politicians lie.
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